CRANE Temper S
CRANE Temper S is a high quality antifreeze specially adapted, for fire protection and for areas subjected to frost with a freeze protection down to -55°C. The product enables immediate suppression of fire and is completely glycol free.
CRANE Temper S is readily biodegradable where 97% of the fluid will be consumed after 7 days in comparison to glycol-based antifreeze fluids where the biodegradability is only 70-85 % after 28 days. CRANE Temper S can be used in both sprinkler and water mist systems (high and low pressure).
Key advantages at a glance
- Immediate and effective suppression of fire
- Non-toxic
- Readily biodegradable
- Glycol Free
- Low freezing point
- Chemically stable
- Can be used for both low and high pressure systems
- Supplied ready-mixed
- Specially adapted for areas subjected to frost
- Protection down to -55°C

Areas of use, industries and installations
CRANE Temper S is often used due to its high efficiency and its immediacy in the suppression of fire. It is also the ideal choice when areas subjected to frost need to be protected, as it can be used down to -55°C. Using CRANE Temper S eliminates the need for costly heat tracing systems or dry pipe systems where high maintenance costs and time delays are big setbacks.
Sprinkler systems in cold & freeze storages
Antifreeze is needed in sprinkler installations subjected to frost and costly heat tracing system is not possible. The antifreeze needs to be completely glycol free, to not add energy to the fire. To reduce water damages, minimum use of water to suppress the fire is crucial, therefore CRANE Temper S is used as an efficient antifreeze with excellent extinguish properties. CRANE Temper S is a ready-to-use product making it easier when charging the system and to obtain required freezing point.
Fire protection of heritage buildings
In heritage buildings, like churches, where there are areas without heating there is a need of frost protection. When water mist systems are used CRANE Temper S is an excellent choice to have an immediate fire suppression to minimize potential damage and less water is needed. Any potential fire is suppressed instantly without duration, as when using dry piping systems.
Fire protection of trains
There are many reasons to use CRANE Temper S in water mist systems for rolling stock, trains; to protect from frost, to get immediate suppression or just an effective extinguishing of fire. Another great advantage is that CRANE Temper S suppress the fire better than water and does not add energy to the fire like glycol-based products do.
Fire protection systems for engines in busses, trucks etc.
For critical applications like fire protection in vehicles or engine rooms CRANE Temper S is commonly used for its effectiveness and environmental properties. The immediate fire suppression is vital in these types of applications and when using CRANE Temper S this is easily achieved together with getting a safe frost protection.
Car parking garage
As freeze protection in car parks CRANE Temper S will ensure the system will be safe from freezing. Any potential fire is suppressed instantly without duration, as when using dry piping systems. The antifreeze needs to be completely glycol free, to not add energy to the fire therefore CRANE Temper S is used as an efficient antifreeze with excellent extinguish properties. This gives a safe system for cold climates and in the event of a fire – an effective fire suppression.
Marine and offshore applications
CRANE Temper S is an optimal choice for any marine and offshore application as it is readily biodegradable and enables immediate and effective fire suppression. Another great advantage is that CRANE Temper S suppress the fire better than water and does not add energy to the fire like glycol-based products do. CRANE Temper S gives a safe system in the event of a fire and an effective fire suppression.
Industrial applications
CRANE Temper S is an optimal choice for industrial applications as it enables instant and effective fire suppression. The immediate fire suppression is vital in these types of demanding applications and when using CRANE Temper S this is easily achieved together with getting a safe frost protection. CRANE Temper S is a ready-to-use product making it easier when charging the system and to obtain required freezing point.
Fire protection in food applications
In a sprinkler installation subjected to frost where food is handled CRANE Temper S is an excellent choice. CRANE Temper S can be used in both cold and freeze storages as an effective and safe fire protection and will enable immediate fire suppression in the event of fire using a non-toxic and environmentally safe product, which in many food industries are preferred.
Physical Properties
Unit | S-10 | S-15 | S-20 | S-30 | S-40 | S-55 | |
Density | kg / ㎥ | 1081 | 1112 | 1142 | 1182 | 1210 | 1245 |
Dynamic viscosity | mPa • s | 1,50 | 1,73 | 2,16 | 2,40 | 2,90 | 3,80 |
Kinematic viscosity | mm²/s | 1,39 | 1,59 | 1,89 | 2,03 | 2,40 | 3,05 |
CRANE Temper S significantly lowers the heat release rate, whereas other antifreeze fluids, like glycol, may do the opposite. Due to the salts in the fluid, CRANE Temper S suppresses the fire source more efficiently than other antifreeze fluids, including water. The effectiveness of CRANE Temper S enables the use of a lower amount of water, and therefore the potential water damage is reduced.
In the SP report 1999:08 different types of antifreeze, such as glycol and calcium-chloride products as well as CRANE Temper S, was tested for fire suppression efficiency. The other antifreeze solutions tested resulted in a significant increase in heat release rate of the fire source. In some cases the energy released under the ten-minute period of application was 1,5-2 times higher than that found when pure water was used.
The graphs below demonstrate the results from SP report P00 7275 of the heat release rate when suppressing a fire with CRANE Temper S and water.
Total and convective heat release rate when using CRANE Temper S
Corrosion Protection
CRANE Temper S is a high-quality product based on potassium salts with an optimal concentration of corrosion inhibitors. The optimal corrosion package creates, and only when necessary, a local temporary and very thin protective layer with a minimal (monomolecular) thickness at the metal surface.
CRANE Temper S is an environmentally friendly, readily biodegradable, nontoxic and non-combustible antifreeze which exceeds existing industry ecological requirements. 97% of the CRANE Temper S fluid will after 7 days be biodegraded in comparison to glycol-based antifreeze fluids where the biodegradability is only 70-85 % after 28 days.
The freezing depression substances in CRANE Temper S contains mainly of potassium acetate which is used as food preservative.
Non-toxic to mammals
LD50 (oral, rat) > 5000 mg/kg |
Not acute toxic |
Non-toxic to aquatic animals
OECD TG 203: LC50/96 = 13 900mg/l |
Readily biodegradable
OECD 301A: 99 % after 28 days |
Do not bio-accumulate |
We have packaging for every demand from smaller 25L cans to larger volumes in bulk deliveries.
Store CRANE Temper S in unopened original containers not below its freezing point, in a dry place and out of direct sunlight. When transporting CRANE Temper S, there are no restriction since the product is not classified.
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